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What is a Pendulum?

A pendulum is typically a portable device that utilizes gravity and momentum to respond to energy in a way that is meaningful to the pendulum user. It's a tool that helps your intuition or "higher self" communicate with your conscious self. (The higher self is defined as the soul or the part of one's being that connects with the divine or the universe. It is the non-physical, spiritual self, also called the "true self", "soul self", or "intuitive self".)


The basics of Dowsing (The use of a Pendulum)

There are multiple uses for a Pendulum, some of the most common are...

-Receiving basic yes/no answers to questions regarding ones current life or the future

-Locating something missing

-Connecting with guides

To broaden the possibilities of answers, some use a wooden board with letters/numbers/months stenciled for the pendulum to swing to specifically.


A powerful stone that is made up of a beautiful ensemble of Quartz, Feldspar, Calcite, Kaolinite, Iron, Magnetite, Leucozene and Clinozoisite, Que-Sera soothes, energizes, rebalances and restores.


Generating an uninterruptible power supply for the system, Merely holding this stone lights up every cell in the body, and allows one to store this energy for one’s mental, physical, psychic, and spiritual needs.


Que-Sera is highly effective for seeking out what one truly desires and provides an intense focus to aid in this quest. For those who seek clarity and truth, this stone will maintain your focus until you receive the answers. Que-Sera urges one to become a co-creator of one’s future, and inspires taking risks and seizing opportune moments for changing the outcome. It focuses on teaching that there are no mistakes, only learning experiences.

Que Sera Pendulum

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