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Plants have personalities and no one plant is the same! 


They each prefer different


-watering times,

-leaf pruning,


-misting and the list goes on!

Not to mention keeping track of which plants are pet friendly and not! 


So we spend time getting to know our nature buddies but how do we keep track of all of their intricate care details? And what if we we decide to go on a holiday... now what?! Explain each personality to their caregiver and hope all of that time and effort of knowledge sticks?! 


We download the Indoor Plant Personality Chart to solve all of these common mishaps!

*Mark down your plants species name, human given name, water preferences, sun preferences, foliage requirements and whether it's pet friendly all in one place! :D

*Keep track of your indoor plants care requirements with ease 

*Stick your chart on the fridge and feel confident to go on a holiday knowing your plants will be in good hands with the details you've provided their caregiver


We hope you enjoy this personality chart as much as we do. Our plants thrive due to our ability to keep track of them all and in return, give us peace at night without those midnight 'I wonder if I watered....' thoughts.


Indoor Plant Personality Chart PDF

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