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What are Chakras? 

Chakras are energy centers within the human body that help to regulate all its processes, from organ function to to the immune system and emotions. We have seven main chakras that are positioned throughout our body, from the base of our spine to the crown of our head. Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency, color, and governs specific functions that help make you, well, you! 


Throughout our lives our Chakras are either open or blocked. Our Chakras can get blocked due to a multitude of reasons throughout our lives whether it be stress, outside environments affecting within or repressed trauma, the list is endless! However alonside a multitude of ways to block the Chakras comes a multitude of ways to unblock the Chakras! 


And in comes our...*cue the drumroll*... Chakra Crystal Bundles!  

With crystals chosen specifically to represent each Chakra and the healing properties to match, you can't go wrong with this on the go bundle that is ready to serve and align your energy centres when required. Each crystal has been intuitively picked per bundle and cleansed, each ready for their new owner! 


Each bundle contains the following:

Garnet - Root Chakra ❤️

Tigers Eye - Sacral Chakra 🧡

Citrine - Solar Plexus Chakra 💛

Aventurine - Heart Chakra 💚

Sodalite - Throat Chakra 💙

Amethyst/Chevron Amethyst - Third Eye Chakra 💜

Clear Quartz - Crown Chakra 🤍

Chakra Crystal Bundle

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