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Sage is a sacred, cleansing and purifying plant. It has been burned in rituals, ceremonies and used for smudging in ones home. Mainly known for its energy cleansing ability, burning sage removes negative energy, neutralizes energy and enhances your intuition.


This smudge stick is embellished with coloured rose petals, representing the 7 chakras. Using rose petals specifically also assists in opening and expanding the Heart Chakra so you can give and receive more love in your life.


Suggested Uses:

-Smudge living space for a general refresh of the energy

-Smudge the environment before/after meditation

-Smudge environment before/after having a visitor

-Smudge the environment before seeing a client for work 

-General monthly/weekly smudge for overall health and wellbeing 

Chakra Sage Smudge

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